Jeff Maggio
Many people know Jeff Maggio as a social media fishing celebrity but the few people who really know his true core will tell you that Jeff is a passionate, heartfelt, real guy who takes his job very seriously. Lunker Dog, as many people call him after coining that name himself, is not only one of the best inshore bait guides in Broward & Dade County but just an all around upbeat, enjoyable person that will constantly make you laugh.
The Mullet Run in South Florida is a spectacle to see with thousands and thousands of bait being pushed down with colder temperatures and monster tarpon, snook, and jacks. Jeff is THE man when it comes to fishing around the mullet run. If you are looking for a quiet, remote fishing trip with back bays, mangrove shorelines, and herons flying low over your head, this is not your ideal trip. The Mullet run is complete insanity - non stop action with vessels coming at you in all directions while dodging 8/0 treble hooks being flung from shore. Everyone wants in on the action and for good reason.
In the last couple of years, there has been a dramatic rise in sewage leaks in the state of Florida. Most recently, a couple of leaks in Broward County caused millions of gallons of sewage to be spewed in the Intracoastal waterways leaving thousands of fish dead and our precious waters ruined. Jeff has been using his voice to hold the city and elected officials accountable for their actions. He has spearheaded a couple of protests and has worked tirelessly to help people understand the disasters that are happening in our own back yard.
I really enjoyed our conversation with Jeff. He is an intense fisherman with a fiery heart for conservation. I can’t wait for the next time we get to fish together.
If you’d like to hear more from Jeff, check out his podcast - Reel Guy Podcast.
Jeff with a big night time Snook.