Capt. Dustin Huff
Dustin Huff was born a prodigy into the Royal Family of South Florida's flats fishing. Steve, Dustin's father, worked harder, pushed his boat further, won a pile of tournaments, and demanded an essence of integrity and humility that would set the lofty standard the life of a flats guide should have. Steve Huff's style and manner developed a devout cult for generations to come.
Then his own son, Dustin, broke into this forbidden aura. Like a warrior, Dustin started to fill his father's shoes fast when he charged into the tournament fray with 6 wins and 5 seconds in 6 years, including two Gold Cups and three Don Hawley wins. The size of his and angler Thane Morgan's world record tarpon on 4 lb test is gigantic!
I've never fished with a more complete guide and someone who has a higher set of standards than Dustin Huff! And how he demands himself to win is ruthless. He's done the Huff name proud...
On this episode, we talk about his insatiable desired to win at everything he does, reinventing the tournament game, and getting to know the real deal... DUSTIN HUFF.
Dustin and his father, Steve, holding two big snook.